Mike Gusler - Kindle Profits Workshop

Mike Gusler -  Kindle eBook Publishing Workshop

Digital Cash Cows

Increase Your Online Profile and Profits by
Positioning Yourself as an Author/Expert

This could be the most important
Workshop you ever take.

Many new doors will open to you when you become a published author,
from being known as the expert in your niche to speaking engagements,
higher fees and a larger client base.

When you publish your own book, you will open doors that you never
thought possible.

* Establish Credibility
* Gain Expert Status
* Generate Publicity
* Attract New Prospects

We look forward to seeing you at this, Content Filled workshop. Get the
exact step-by-step data on how to publish your book on Kindle.

Call 727-524-1186 for Date and Location of our next workshop